For more movement on energy and climate in Europe

H2 and CO2 transport through the Delta Rhine Corridor as a unique cross-border infrastructure project

We all want a secure supply of climate-friendly energy. This requires good ideas, committed companies and the right political framework. Everything is to come together in the Delta Rhine Corridor (DRC) project.

BASF, Gasunie, OGE and Shell have signed a Cooperation Agreement which details their intention to jointly enable, de-risk and coordinate the development of a cross-border pipeline system in a cost effective, scalable and flexible manner.

The DRC project is intended to transport CO2 in order to store it elsewhere. On the other hand, hydrogen produced CO2-free or with low CO2 emissions will reach customers along the route as an energy carrier or raw material.  

We want to realize this truly European infrastructure project together with other partners and political and social support. The Dutch government has recognized the added value for society and declared the initiative to develop the Delta Rhine Corridor a project of national interest. Consequently, the Dutch licensing process (only in Dutch) for this wider initiative was already started at the end of May 2023. The DRC project partners aim to realize hydrogen and CO2 transport infrastructure in this corridor. With politics and society at our side, we can take a big step in the energy transition. We are ready to do so! The transport of potentially other products in the same corridor would have to be developed by other parties.

Schematic illustration
  • H2-pipeline
  • CO2 pipeline
  • possible expansion
  • locations
  • H2-transport
  • H2-production
  • CO2 storage


DRC project

idea and ambitions

Germany and the Netherlands want to be carbon neutral by 2045 and 2050, respectively, and need more low-carbon hydrogen than can be produced domestically.

The ambition of the DRC project is to transport CO2 from Germany and the Netherlands to CO2 storage facilities in the North Sea and possible CO2 users. In addition, low-carbon hydrogen will be made available to industry in the Netherlands and Germany via the Rotterdam import point.

In this way, the DRC project aims to contribute to maintaining and further developing of industry, innovation and jobs in the Netherlands and Germany. 

Objectives of the Delta Rhine Corridor project

The project partners want to help achieve the climate goals of the EU, the Netherlands and Germany. They also want to evaluate the connection and possible synergies of the DRC project with other networks planned in the Netherlands or Germany.


  • Enable access to clean - CO2-free or low-CO2 - hydrogen, as well as CO2 transport to CO2 storage sites
  • emit several million tons less CO2 into the atmosphere each year; especially in the cement, chemical, steel, waste and energy industries
  • maintain and improve the competitiveness of industry in northwestern Europe
  • increase the security of energy supply and reduce energy dependence on Russian natural gas
  • Accelerate the energy transition

the partners

"We are pulling on all levers on the way to net-zero emissions and breaking new ground: consistently across borders and sectors, in partnership with customers and policymakers — this is also what the Delta Rhine Corridor project stands for."

Dr. Marco Richrath, Senior Vice President Chemicals & Products Europe, Shell

"We develop and implement infra­structure solutions to decarbonise the economy - the Delta Rhine Corridor is an important project to achieve this across borders."

Dr. Thomas Hüwener, 

"Gasunie is transforming from being a gas transport company to an energy infrastructure company. In addition to natural gas, we will soon transport hydrogen, CO2, heat and green gas. The Delta Rhine Corridor is an important step in the realisation of a cross-border and sustainable energy system."

Hans Coenen, Member of the Executive Board, responsible for Business Development and Participations, N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie

"For our transformation to climate-neutral chemical production, the expansion of a hydrogen transport network in Germany and Europe is essential. In addition, we are examining options for transporting and storing CO2 emissions that are difficult to avoid for a transitional period."

Dr. Lars Kissau, President Net Zero Accelerator, BASF SE


What is the DRC project all about? 

The DRC project is a unique, cross-border and cross-regional infrastructure project between the Netherlands and Germany that aims to enable decarbonization via a hydrogen pipeline as well as a CO2 pipeline. Individual project sections in the Netherlands and Germany are planned to be operational as early as possible.

The Dutch government is currently investigating the possibility to support not only the hydrogen and CO2 pipelines in the Delta Rhine Corridor but also other pipeline and direct current infrastructures between Rotterdam and the German border. The DRC Project Partners BASF, Gasunie, OGE and Shell are only aiming to develop hydrogen and CO2 infrastructure in the corridor. If other infrastructure in the corridor were to be politically supported, it would have to be developed by other companies.

Read more about the development of the Delta Rhine Corridor in the Netherlands (only in Dutch).

What hydrogen is to be transported?

The aim is to enable the transport of low-CO2 and CO2-free hydrogen through the pipeline. 

 What is the current project status?

At the beginning of 2024 BASF, Gasunie, OGE and Shell have signed a Cooperation Agreement which details their intention to jointly enable, de-risk and coordinate the development of a cross-border pipeline system in a cost effective, scalable and flexible manner.

What are the opportunities to connect to CO2 storage infrastructure through the planned CO2 pipeline in the DRC project?

In principle, it should be possible to reach any CO2 storage site via the current and future infrastructure in the Port of Rotterdam. Specifically, the planned CO2 pipeline in the DRC project will connect to the Aramis transport system and associated carbon sinks. 

I am interested in the DRC project — who can I contact?

For more information on the development of the DRC project for hydrogen:

  • In Germany, please contact OGE.
  • In the Netherlands, please contact Gasunie.

For more information on the development of the DRC project for carbon dioxide:

  • In Germany, please contact OGE.
  • In the Netherlands, please contact Gasunie.


transport in germany

If you want to get in touch on for H2 and/or CO2 transport in Germany please contact OGE:

H2 transport  CO2 transport

transport in the netherlands

If you want to get in touch for H2 and/or CO2 transport in the Netherlands please contact GASUNIE:

H2 and CO2 transport